Callsys® Gas Servicing
Sophisticated Planning Tangible Returns Adaptable Features
Callsys® Gas

Straightforward planning from start to finish.

An optional module within the Callsys® system, the Callsys® Gas screen-set is an advance planning tool which has been designed specifically for organisations responsible for managing the maintenance of domestic gas appliances.

As straightforward and intuitive as the Callsys® Core system, these additional screens automatically raise annual servicing jobs, and allow job outcomes to be accurately and reliably recorded by generating and electronically storing documentation in line with your clients' no access policies. Regardless of the number of properties you have to service, staff are able to plan and manage the entire process with ease and accuracy.

Tangible returns.

Already used extensively by one of the country's leading maintenance contractors, Callsys® Gas will benefit your organisation as soon as it's installed by delivering:

Adaptable features.

In addition to the functions offered by Callsys® Core, the Gas Servicing module currently incorporates the following extra features:

Callsys® Gas, like Callsys® Core, is fully managed and supported by Cohesis and can be tailored to your company's individual needs.


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Callsys® gas in practise
Callsys® Core
Callsys® Integration
Callsys® Gas Servicing

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